Peace in Our Time
 “Reuben Speeds’ versatile, atmospheric set they breathe real life into Wilmott’s direction and Coward’s ideas.” – The Review Hub  “…With designer Reuben Speed a way of letting the audience see the action from both sides of the bar face on when neces
 Set sketch for ‘Peace in Our Time’.
Peace in Our Time
Peace in Our Time

The Union Theatre

Written by Noel Coward

Adapted and Directed by Phil Willmott

Set Design: Reuben Speed

Costume Design: Penn O’Gara

Lighting Design: Harvey Nowark Green

Production Photography: Phil Swallow

 “Reuben Speeds’ versatile, atmospheric set they breathe real life into Wilmott’s direction and Coward’s ideas.” – The Review Hub  “…With designer Reuben Speed a way of letting the audience see the action from both sides of the bar face on when neces

“Reuben Speeds’ versatile, atmospheric set they breathe real life into Wilmott’s direction and Coward’s ideas.” – The Review Hub

“…With designer Reuben Speed a way of letting the audience see the action from both sides of the bar face on when necessary,” - Review gate

“The set (Reuben Speed) works brilliantly, inventively solving the problem of how to portray a bar without too many characters speaking upstage for too long.” – London Theatre 1

 Set sketch for ‘Peace in Our Time’.

Set sketch for ‘Peace in Our Time’.